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Judge Registration


Judging for Region I Science Fair is completely virtual. The students will submit their projects to our database and those projects will be given to you to judge during the science fair judging window. You will also be given a rubric to score all projects. All you will need to do is submit your completed rubrics to when finished. 


We are now hosting the Junior Science and Humanities Symposium. This fair is completely different for the students but judging will be very similar. Selected finalists are invited to present their research in a 12-minute oral presentation and judges are asked to ask 2 - 3 questions about their project. These questions will be resubmitted to you for evaluation. 


Please fill out the form below if interested:


Those that wish to judge for the JSHS will also have to go here:

You can find judge registration under the dropdown menu.





Which event do you want judge?|
What is your preferred category?

Thanks for submitting!

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